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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant Empty TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

Post by Tonio50 Wed 23 Oct 2013, 22:52

What does TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant do in the Island War Campaign and how does it work?.....same for the in Game Status Tracker in Tactical Engagement


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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant Empty Re: TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

Post by TheGeneral Thu 24 Oct 2013, 10:07

I've not used this personally, what i'll do though since you brought it up, i'll shoot templar an email and ask him. Then i'll post it in a dedicated thread. This will benefit everyone too. I'm in work atm so won't do it til later tonight.


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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant Empty Re: TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

Post by Tonio50 Fri 25 Oct 2013, 01:04

I worked out the Island War in game assistant. You put it in the main OFDR directory and run it as administrator when you are playing the Campaign...if you minimize the game you can see on the assistant how much of the island you control.


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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant Empty Re: TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

Post by tvig0r0us Fri 25 Oct 2013, 02:14

There is also other data that can be harvested via the later versions of the assistant, but I don't remember specifically what it was.  He made it with a dual monitor setup in mind, which worked splendidly I might add.

Cheers Very Happy

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TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant Empty Re: TemplarGFX's In Game Assistant

Post by Tonio50 Fri 25 Oct 2013, 21:21

Is there any difference between Island War 2.8 and Island War 2011?


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