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FFUR Mods Complete

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FFUR Mods Complete Empty FFUR Mods Complete

Post by nfmz1 Mon 16 May 2022, 23:33


This one is near and dear to my heart. When I was in Seawolves we were beta testers for Thunderbird while he was making a couple version of these (I wanna say 2007, SLX and FFUR 1985) Anyways I always loved these mods and if you love this game like i do you gotta have these!

Files Included:

FFUR 2005 Final
FFUR Winter Final
FFUR Desert Final
FFUR Asia Final
FFUR 2007 SLX (and patches)
FFUR 1985
FFUR SLX Extra Pack
FFUR Euro Final
FFUR 2008 Final

[url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FSrys9J9llPmejymnZMMnd-TZ4bTScTk?usp=sharing]FFUR Complete for OFP/CWA[/url]


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Join date : 2012-12-16

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