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Mission Editor Help

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Mission Editor Help Empty Mission Editor Help

Post by Razer01 Tue 05 Apr 2022, 23:36

There is a slight problem in my copy of the game: when I use the OFP:displaySystemMessage() command, the default font characters in which the operating system is running are cut off. However, all other characters and fonts on this code page are displayed correctly. That is, the terminal simply gives an empty string if, for example, the text is read from an external file. Is it possible to describe the procedure for circumventing this unfortunate misunderstanding?

Mission Editor Help Untitl10


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Mission Editor Help Empty Re: Mission Editor Help

Post by Razer01 Wed 06 Apr 2022, 22:41

I barely figured out how it works. And yes, you need to save the external file in the desired encoding.
function onCreate()

local info = io.open("missions/.../infor.lub")
line1 = info:read("*l")
line2 = info:read("*l")
line3 = info:read("*l")
line4 = info:read("*l")
line5 = info:read("*l")

function onMissionTime_00x00x05(missionTimeInMilliSeconds)
file:close()          -- block message




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Join date : 2014-12-15

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