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Mission Template ideas.

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Mission Template ideas. Empty Mission Template ideas.

Post by TheGeneral Mon 04 Mar 2013, 22:51

I thought it'd be a good idea to have an ideas thread for Missions maybe it could inspire someone to make something.

I'm snowed under at the moment with what I'm trying to get sorted with DR mission making, but I do feel like having a stab at the idea that NFMZ1 posted in the COOP days thread about the enemy being kinda a by product of your existence on the island. Thoughts are already being generated. Damn I hate this game! No! I love this game what am I saying! Now I'm having an argument with myself. I fucking knew I was schizo! No ya not! yes he is! AM I?


Anyway, if you have any ideas of what you would like to see then post them here I know of a certain someone in particular who will be inundating this thread with things! lol!

With the EDx so easily versatile in the ways of mission making, once these mods are released you could see your mission become reality within a week of posting the idea on the forum. So if ya bored of the old and want something fresh that hasn't been done before, get ya ideas in here hopefully it'll get picked up.

Cheers guys!


Points : 780
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Join date : 2012-12-15


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Mission Template ideas. Empty Re: Mission Template ideas.

Post by Razer01 Fri 01 Apr 2022, 11:21

I think first you need infrastructure, i.e. a fully occupied island with logistics, with status, specially agreed (restricted) areas, etc.


Points : 12
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2014-12-15

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