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Operation Flashpoint 2017

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Wed 04 Jan 2017, 18:29

Hello old friends!

Island War 2017 is now available!
Full details and download at ModDB :

Bluedrake42 and Company are building an MP lobby system for Dragon Rising, I have tried it and it is awesome!  You just head into LAN and any games in the lobby show up.  No fuss!

They have a talented group of tinkerers and hopefully they will be able to unlock more potential from Dragon Rising than can we ever thought possible Razz

With this in mind, I have been tinkering myself!  Ive been quite busy so here in an overview :



Replacement Luminence.xml and adjusted Weather Scenes
The HDR/Eye Adaptation has been reworked to give much better lighting indoors and outdoors with Weather lighting levels adjusted to keep night time dark


Enhanced System Settings
Much better graphical quality through maximised system options and LOD distances

Ultimate AI Update
Several fixes to the 2013 Ultimate AI in the areas of medics and detection
Weapon Usage completely redone to give much more tactical gameplay from AI

Finally Island War is getting a 2017 release!

Fixes/Improvements :
Buddy echelon join/leave system
AI Vehicle Combat
Location Defender Ratios
Order Decision matrix
3 Man Echelons (instead of 2)
Other little fixes

Helicopter Deployment :
Initial attack force now deploys via 2 Seahawk's

Starting Locations :
There are now 23 starting locations right across the Island

Single Save System :
All missions use a single island control file, allowing long-term Island Domination play

Everything is almost ready for upload, my friend and I are going to run a few more games first just to make sure.  I will upload a single pack with all Graphics and Missions to a ModDb page so it sticks around

Happy New Year!

Last edited by TemplarGFX on Wed 25 Jan 2017, 15:14; edited 1 time in total


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by dewi316 Wed 04 Jan 2017, 19:16


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TheGeneral Wed 04 Jan 2017, 20:59


This is great, I think I will have a mooch on the server at some point and see what is happening. I need to get my head bak into DR in some SP first though, can't think when the last time was I played it. I have forgotten how to work the ffiles too for mission editing, lol, can you believe that. How naughty of me. 

Anyway, I'll see what is going on between now and the weekend but I do have a lot on my plate, not just in the game world, but RL as well.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Thu 05 Jan 2017, 09:29

So this is crazy!

Operation Flashpoint 2017 WD3gt9w

I fixed the problem with the game rendering all units with the same model passed a few hundred meters!


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TheGeneral Thu 05 Jan 2017, 09:44

Thats brilliant mate.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JoeDogs Thu 05 Jan 2017, 11:53



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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Fri 06 Jan 2017, 01:02

Ok fellow soldiers!

give this a try if you can :


This is a complete mod and mission package and requires ACIDX's Modded 1.02 exe

I am mainly wanting to know how the graphics changes go for you, but feel free to play Island War 2017 Razz

If nothing is amiss I will upload to Moddb so it stays online forever


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Fri 06 Jan 2017, 12:34

Downloading now! Thanks Templar for your effort and your passion to this game and your great talent!!  cheers

P.S. I'm slightly afraid of this reshade shaders  thingy, last time i tried that for dirt and sun effect my fps went to 9fps. Graphics wouldn't be a single problem. But anyway i'll report how it all works on my machine.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Fri 06 Jan 2017, 16:00

JurekCello78 wrote:Downloading now! Thanks Templar for your effort and your passion to this game and your great talent!!  cheers

P.S. I'm slightly afraid of this reshade shaders  thingy, last time i tried that for dirt and sun effect my fps went to 9fps. Graphics wouldn't be a single problem. But anyway i'll report how it all works on my machine.

F5 will enable / disable it to see what its doing.

Also, if you press SHIFT + F2 then choose diagnosis it will show you FPS usage


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Sat 07 Jan 2017, 01:55

Hi, back from testing.

Well, LOD thing works very well, IW2017 starts without crashing but in both missions i've tried (Assault Taranay Start and Assault Airfield Start) crew from other SeaHawk jumps out in midair and continues swimming to the shores of Skira while Player's helo is almost hovering working it's way to the Objective by centimeters. Fortunately Player has the chance to pilot the machine himself. After we landed First Objective has been completed we headed to the 2nd Obj. At the location we didn't find any PLA soldier soldier and to make sure I just don't see them I've launched IW Assistant and at Spawn Info i found only my FireTeam and 0 PLA guys.

That's for the mission. If we speak about reshade thing it worked strangely. I first tried it on 2 DLC missions: Island Tour Day and Night to observe effects without enemies. Graphics were slightly changed but at night sky was even brighter than in graphics for IW 2 mod although eye adaptation effect was noticeable. Also those Hotkeys didnt work at all. I saw only some overlay on loading screen with some text but it disappeared too quick for me to read it. Generally my fps during test was at few frames lower plus database with enormous ACOG zoom animation it lowered it even more. 

I hope it was helpful somehow, cheers.


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Sat 07 Jan 2017, 02:16

JurekCello78 wrote:Hi, back from testing.

Well, LOD thing works very well, IW2017 starts without crashing but in both missions i've tried (Assault Taranay Start and Assault Airfield Start) crew from other SeaHawk jumps out in midair and continues swimming to the shores of Skira while Player's helo is almost hovering working it's way to the Objective by centimeters. Fortunately Player has the chance to pilot the machine himself. After we landed First Objective has been completed we headed to the 2nd Obj. At the location we didn't find any PLA soldier soldier and to make sure I just don't see them I've launched IW Assistant and at Spawn Info i found only my FireTeam and 0 PLA guys.

That's for the mission. If we speak about reshade thing it worked strangely. I first tried it on 2 DLC missions: Island Tour Day and Night to observe effects without enemies. Graphics were slightly changed but at night sky was even brighter than in graphics for IW 2 mod although eye adaptation effect was noticeable. Also those Hotkeys didnt work at all. I saw only some overlay on loading screen with some text but it disappeared too quick for me to read it. Generally my fps during test was at few frames lower plus database with enormous ACOG zoom animation it lowered it even more. 

I hope it was helpful somehow, cheers.


Thanks for hitting it up!

at the start of each mission, either stay in your seat and wait for the AI to land, or pilot.   Unfortunately if you take a gunner spot, you need to then order your men to fly and land at the objective, otherwise they keep taking over the chopper once you let them do it once Razz
I have an idea on how to fix this though

sounds like the Reshade thing needs some manual editing (surely there is a better way to distro reshade)

open the d3d9.ini file in the games install folder and edit these lines so it points to your game (if you have steam and your on a newer machine, these are the default steam install location) :
EffectSearchPaths=C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising\reshade-shaders\Shaders
TextureSearchPaths=C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising\reshade-shaders\Textures
ScreenshotPath=C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising
PresetFiles=C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising\Default.ini


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Sat 07 Jan 2017, 09:48

Thanks for hint on that code, i looked there before and was thinking that whatever thing it is doesnt go the path my game was installed (retail CD). About AI on mission start, i actually waited quite long until anything happens and in meantime my squadmates from other seahawk and all the crew members jumped out of it. So i sat there and nothing happened, after a while my chopper not moving i took over the steer and landed. After i flew some distance before the shore i reached Checkpoint. At the start all my men were in passenger seats and i issued "follow me" order only when i saw the others swimming in the water.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by dewi316 Sat 07 Jan 2017, 11:02

JurekCello78 wrote:Thanks for hint on that code, i looked there before and was thinking that whatever thing it is doesnt go the path my game was installed (retail CD).  About AI on mission start, i actually waited quite long until anything happens and in meantime my squadmates from other seahawk and all the crew members jumped out of it.  So i sat there and nothing happened, after a while my chopper not moving i took over the steer and landed. After i flew some distance before the shore i reached Checkpoint. At the start all my men were in passenger seats and i issued "follow me" order only when i saw the others swimming in the water.

JurekCello78 wrote:Hi, back from testing.

Well, LOD thing works very well, IW2017 starts without crashing but in both missions i've tried (Assault Taranay Start and Assault Airfield Start) crew from other SeaHawk jumps out in midair and continues swimming to the shores of Skira while Player's helo is almost hovering working it's way to the Objective by centimeters. Fortunately Player has the chance to pilot the machine himself. After we landed First Objective has been completed we headed to the 2nd Obj. At the location we didn't find any PLA soldier soldier and to make sure I just don't see them I've launched IW Assistant and at Spawn Info i found only my FireTeam and 0 PLA guys.

Yea pretty much what Jerzy wrote, same thing for me Helicopters just hover at start and when you take control to fly other crew have jumped. Also no enemy on the island. 
I tried to copy and paste the adjustments for game file d3d9.ini location, I also have CD version and I cant save the corrections access denied. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong?
F5 will enable / disable it to see what its doing.  Obviously this doesnt work for me

Another quick question are the new files downloaded all suppose to be in the DATA WIN file? If not where are they supposed to go sorry for newb questions, heres hoping we can sort out these bugs cheers and thanks Templar.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Sun 08 Jan 2017, 21:45

Hey Dewi Smile !

I think only those files already being in data_win folder you have downloaded are to stay there. Any other file or folder in my understanding should go to main game directory.

Cheers, J.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Mon 09 Jan 2017, 16:11

JurekCello78 wrote:Hey Dewi Smile !

I think only those files already being in data_win folder you have downloaded are to stay there. Any other file or folder in my understanding should go to main game directory.

Cheers, J.

you just copy everything into your game install, and it will replace everything that needs replacing!

I have been improving and bug fixing IW2017 and the log file that it outputs is incredibly detailed now, enough that I can put the life of an AI together from it :

Island War 2017 wrote:MM:SS : Feedback               Order (home location | current order | order target | last order)
00:00 : Spawning PLA Echelon
00:00 : PLA Echelon is roaming
00:27 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| none) 
00:27 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to the Airfield
00:33 : PLA Echelon's leader is Xiao with a size of 3
00:41 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
00:41 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to the Airfield
00:54 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
01:09 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
01:09 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to the Medical Encampment
01:31 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
01:31 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to the Airfield
01:53 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
01:53 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to the Medical Encampment
02:15 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
02:15 : PLA Echelon ordered to rapid move to Airfield Checkpoint
02:37 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress| roam |N/A| roam) 
03:04 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Blenheim Underground Fortress | attack | Invading Echelon 2 | roam) 
03:22 : PLA Echelon is still attacking Invading Echelon 2
03:44 : PLA Echelon is still attacking Invading Echelon 2
04:06 : PLA Echelon is still attacking Invading Echelon 2
04:29 : PLA Echelon is still attacking Invading Echelon 2
04:54 : PLA Echelon is still attacking Invading Echelon 2
04:58 : PLA Echelon has killed Invading Echelon 2! Reverting back to roam order
05:06 : PLA Echelon is rushing to the Airfield in the Tanker Truck
05:06 : Xiao ordered PLA Echelon to get into the nearby Tanker Truck
05:10 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
05:21 : PLA Echelon ordered to attack Invading Echelon 7!
05:42 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
06:06 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Airfield Checkpoint | attack |Invading Echelon 7 | roam) 
06:03 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
06:04 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
07:01 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
07:04 : PLA Echelon's Vehicle is under attack on approach!
07:05 : PLA Echelon dismounted Tanker Truck near the Airfield Checkpoint
07:15 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Airfield Checkpoint| attack |Invading Echelon 7 | attack) 
07:17 : PLA Echelon's leader is Xiao with a size of 2
07:40 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Airfield Checkpoint| attack |Invading Echelon 7 | attack) 
08:05 : Giving order to PLA Echelon (Airfield Checkpoint| attack |Invading Echelon 7 | attack) 
08:09 : PLA Echelon's leader is Xiao with a size of 1
08:28 : PLA Echelon is dead

Poor Xaio never stood a chance against the US invasion force led by Special Forces.  8 Minutes after the US Heli's landed, he was dead along with his whole team!.

All AI controlled


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Mon 09 Jan 2017, 16:54

Great to hear everything works flawless  cheers !!  I think I've seen this on YT. I was shocked how well organized attack it was and smart flanking from USMC side. 
And now I would like to ask almost as if was asking Santa....ehm... would it be possible for you to maybe release parallel version of IW2017 but with "Improved Data Base" or at least with weapons and explosives from it? I know it might be pain in the ars so I only ask humbly about that. My reason is that scopes, sights basically all parameters of every weapon was rebuilt and reworked to reflect those from real life. Even vehicles were given proper weight and driving/ flying characteristics. First time in my DR avdenture I did see friendly machinegunner suppressing effectively PLA soldiers at almost 1km. I could advertise it for hours Cool , but I'm curious if you have tried that data base to begin with. It was made by Ddeo, the other mission maker ("Badlands Campaign"). I know at least 2 more people would like that data base over the one we've tried now.  
 Cheers, can't wait to assault PLA asses from every possible direction Twisted Evil .

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by TemplarGFX Mon 09 Jan 2017, 16:57

Can you link me to the one you mean?


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Mon 09 Jan 2017, 16:59

need to check where I have it

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Mon 09 Jan 2017, 17:20

Ok, I did find the link: https://operationflashpoint.forummotion.com/t26-improved-entitydatabase . Download link also works but opens at DataBase file already, at least for me. I don't know if it's a problem. Just in case i texted Ddeo on Facebook. I wait for response if he still has that file in his PC.

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by rscaper1070 Mon 09 Jan 2017, 23:10

This is super awesome. I haven't had any of the problems that have been mentioned so far. All the guys jump out of the helicopters for me.

I did notice something odd with the farthest lod at around 400 meters. If I was looking at the enemy on the beach or some other flat terrain it would look as expected but if I looked at them through ground cover or trees the enemy would be invisible except for their weapons and their belt. So I changed the value in lodranges.txt from 300 to 400 and now it looks great. I can see the enemy through grass and trees now.


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by tvig0r0us Tue 10 Jan 2017, 01:45

Congrats on giving the game a rebirth. Glad to see people still get a kick out of it. Best game ever IMHO.


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by ada0015 Fri 13 Jan 2017, 03:48

G'day lads.

Since installing this I've had problems with CTD shortly after starting a mission.

I've narrowed the problem down to when an AI or player dies, for some reason it crashes the game.

I'm running the 1.03 patch and it worked fine up until I installed this. I've tried a fresh install and everything.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by tvig0r0us Fri 13 Jan 2017, 11:50

This is a guess,  but maybe try the AcidX 1.02 executable mod.


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by ada0015 Sat 14 Jan 2017, 08:39

Any current links? I can't seem to find a link that works


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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

Post by JurekCello78 Sat 14 Jan 2017, 09:27

Hi, every DR related file or folder you may find here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/86lpqatar2a10/Dragon_Rising . The file you want to find is called: "OFDR+v1.02+Res.+Fix+and+Mod+enabled.rar" 
Cheers Smile

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Operation Flashpoint 2017 Empty Re: Operation Flashpoint 2017

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