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How to become bullet Proof

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How to become bullet Proof Empty How to become bullet Proof

Post by TheGeneral Mon 19 Aug 2013, 14:25

This is a quick run through of using the function; OFP:setInvulnerable()

You set it in the code at the start of your mission.

the first line would read

function onMissionStart()

then your following code/events that you want to have occur at the very beginning of the mission is written in this chunk.

so if you want to have yourself invulnerable all the way through the mission your next line would be:

OFP:setInvulnerable("unitName", true)

"unitName" would be the name our your unit as default or what ever you change it too. You can also set your whole echelon to true by using the echelon name if you wanted.

Then you would follow up within the next lines whatever events you wanted to have happen.

Not forgetting to close the chunk with an end keyword.

If you want to reverse the invulnerabilty you would then whereever you wanted it to have happen, change the boolean to false.

example: you completed an objective, you then enter a trigger zone.

function onEnter(zoneName, unitName)  
    if zoneName == "triggerzone" then     
       OFP:setInvulnerable("unitName", false)  
Hope that helps!

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Join date : 2012-12-15


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