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[SP] Operation PacMan

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[SP] Operation PacMan Empty [SP] Operation PacMan

Post by Guest Mon 17 Dec 2012, 16:55

Operation PacMan
by tvig0r0us

[SP] Operation PacMan 4815f8592bc3f512c6cfcac21bdd6e89025318a814ce980c1861eb1e59f6edae6g

Operation PacMan is an unconventional twist on the first person shooter that brings the old school game into the modern era shooter. Your objective is simple, clear the level.

The mission incorporates the sounds from the old school arcade game and requires the use of the owp wave player by dschonny.

Download the player and pacman sounds here >> PacMan sounds and player

To use the owp wave player, unzip "PacMan sounds.zip" to your main game directory. Before you start OFDR, navigate to "%your OFDR game directory/owp". Run the file named "owpServer.exe" as administrator. I recommend creating a shortcut to it on your desktop for quick access. When the owpServer opens, click on the button that says "Start monitoring". Minimize the app and start the game. You should have all of the pacman sounds ingame!

Download the Operation PacMan campaign here >> Operation PacMan

To install the campaign, unzip the file called "PacMan" from the zip you downloaded. Place it in your "%OFDR game directory/data_win/missions" folder. After you start the game go to campaign and start a new campaign. Operation PacMan should be available in your list.

When the first mission starts, you will get an overhead view of the mission area and if you installed the wave player properly, you will hear the pacman intro song. When the intro ends, get ready to get busy. You will see lines of boxes placed all around the mission area. These are the proverbial dots. When you move to them they will destruct and you will start to accumulate points. At first there will only be 2 enemies searching the mission area. The more you kill, the more enemies will come looking, so try to take a stealth approach and kill only when necessary. In most buildings you will encounter gas cans. When you get a gas can, you will be awarded a power kill point. A power kill gives you one shot kill capability. If you have more than one power kill, any enemy in the area of an enemy that you shoot will also be killed for as many powerkills as you have. Each enemy killed with a powerkill will reduce the number of powerkills you have by one. When you get more than one enemy at a time with powerkills, the points awarded for the kills will increase by 10 for each victim. In otherwords if you kill 3 enemies with powerkills in one shot, you get 10 for the first, 20 for the second and 30 for the third. Another benefit to power kills is that all of the boxes and gas cans in the area will also be destroyed and you will earn points and additional power kills for those as well. If you destroy a box or can with your weapon, it will be counted towards the clearing of the map, but you will not earn points for it. The mission will end with a bang when you have cleared the proper amount of boxes/gas cans. For the smaller maps you will need 100% of the boxes/ gas cans, for the larger you will clear the level at 95%.
Live or die, at the end of each mission your stats and high scores will be displayed. Try to run up the highest score!! Take a screenshot of your scores and post your highest in this thread.

Be warned, these missions are very challenging but extremely fun and addictive!

This campaign includes the initial 5 missions for Operation PacMan. There will be more to come.

I've also included a marker collection as a mission template. It requires the EDX to use, but all you have to do is load the marker collection. Place the player , objective and danger hint in the middle of the area where you want to make a mission. move the wapoint entity called spawn point into a building or structure. Copy and paste that point to all of the places that an enemy might spawn. These points will also be powerkill points and appear as a gas can in the game. Then move the other waypoint called intelpoint near the player. Copy/paste that point to create the paths. There are a few ammo crates with limited ammo and different weapons. Move them to wherevery you want them in the mission area. Last, move and point the camera somewhere around 100 meters outside of the mission area and facing the mission area.

Press the test button and you should be good to go with your own Operation PacMan mission!! If you make a mission, feel free to share it here!!

Enjoy! Very Happy

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[SP] Operation PacMan Empty Re: [SP] Operation PacMan

Post by Guest Thu 11 Apr 2013, 00:21

Just outta curiousity, has anyone managed to finish the Operation Pacman campaign?? I gave it a try after a long time not playing it the other day and it kicked my ass. Can't get past the second mission.

On a side note, for those with interest in the OWP sound player project that has been floating around the editing threads, this uses OWP to play the pacman sounds during the game. It's pretty cool to check out and see what can be done with OWP.

Cheers Very Happy

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