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System Link issues (Xbox 360)

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System Link issues (Xbox 360) Empty System Link issues (Xbox 360)

Post by taskchris Sat 04 Nov 2017, 14:13

Hello all,

I am new here and have a small issue I was wondering someone may be able to help me with.

I like to play system link with my sister on the Xbox 360

When Playing OFDR system link it works great on all modes except infiltration and annihilation. This is a real shame since they look like tremendous fun and I cannot for the life of me see why they do not work in system link when both the campaign and FTE do work in system link.

Also if I make a private game online with her, all modes work. I am rather confused.

You may wonder what my issue is, I am happy to play online, but I fear the day the servers are taken down which surely must be soon.

Thanks very much for your time and consideration.



Points : 4
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Join date : 2017-10-29

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System Link issues (Xbox 360) Empty Re: System Link issues (Xbox 360)

Post by TheGeneral Sat 04 Nov 2017, 22:22

hi mate welcome to the forum. 

For the issue with system link, I don't know how to solve this for you. I've never used it, came across anyone else who has used it or ever tried to consider playing it. So I am afraid unless anyone else has had the same issue which may be slim, not many people post with issues lately.

With the servers going down in the future. They already have gone down and have done for the past few years. I mentioned a work around to another user in the anyone home thread. 


I hope you get your issue solved. Sorry I couldn't help you further.

Points : 780
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Join date : 2012-12-15


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System Link issues (Xbox 360) Empty Re: System Link issues (Xbox 360)

Post by taskchris Sat 18 Nov 2017, 09:45

Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it.


Points : 4
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2017-10-29

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