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TemplarGFX Mods

John J. Stevens
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TemplarGFX Mods Empty TemplarGFX Mods

Post by The_Goatsenator Wed 26 Dec 2012, 04:45

I understand these only work with version 1.00. Unfortunately I got the game when it was just on sale on steam this week and am stuck on version 1.02, so I can't use any of these mods as far as I know. Is there any way to revert to 1.00 or workaround to get them to work with 1.02?


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by tjdagger Wed 26 Dec 2012, 09:10

Yes there is... CM unofficially released a 1.03 patch which allowed for external modded files to be read.

However a forum member released the "1.02 acid mod exe file".
I'm not 100% sure about compatibility with steam (I don't have steam version).

Here is a link to the "1.02 acid mod exe file".
I do know that it also works as a noCD file for the cd version. Also things like AVG (anti-virus) will give a suspicious file warning, but that is simply the case for all non original exe files. I have been using this exe since it was released without any probs.


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by nfmz1 Wed 26 Dec 2012, 14:08

as far as I know the redid 1.02 works with all mods


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Wed 26 Dec 2012, 15:49

Acid X exe works with steam and cd version. It fixes a resolution cap imposed by the game for users with video cards with more than 2gb and allows for loading of external files.

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by The_Goatsenator Wed 26 Dec 2012, 16:40

Thanks for the replies everyone. I think the graphical mods are working but the free-look vehicle camera doesn't seem to be.

EDIT: Hmmm, scratch that I don't think any of them worked with that exe. I have all of them in my data_win folder and the AI still seems to be pretty bad. I'm not sure how much better it's supposed to get, but in custom missions where the enemy AI is maxed out my guys just get annihilated. I don't think damage mod worked either.


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Wed 26 Dec 2012, 19:11

Hey Goat, use this link.

AcidXChrist's mod enabled exe

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by John J. Stevens Wed 26 Dec 2012, 20:10

the one thing you should know regarding the ACIDMOD EXE with STEAM is it doesn't need to be called renamed OFDR.EXE to work - in fact, I just create a shortcut calling OFDR-ACID.EXE

One other important note is this approach will also keep STEAM from updating it when it sees the checksums don't match. STEAM only sees the files it know to check.

And welcome to our little community - you will find that $4US ($3.47 actually) investment will get you more mileage in tactical warfare than you can shake a stick at! Very Happy
John J. Stevens
John J. Stevens

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by The_Goatsenator Wed 26 Dec 2012, 21:24

HomerPepsi wrote:Hey Goat, use this link.

AcidXChrist's mod enabled exe

I've tried both acid.exe links and the Freelook mod still isn't working. Since that's the one that is most apparent (to me) when it should work, I'd have to assume none of them are working still Crying or Very sad All mods were put in data_win folder so I'm sure they're installed correctly and steam version is 1.02 so I don't know what's wrong.

UPDATE: I guess these are working because I saw a message appear in the chatlog for the AI Mod. I think I misunderstood what the Freelook mod is supposed to do. Thanks for the help!

Last edited by The_Goatsenator on Wed 26 Dec 2012, 22:55; edited 1 time in total


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by JurekCello78 Wed 26 Dec 2012, 21:41

Hello Smile

I guess the "freelook mod" youre talking about its the one inside "data_win" folder. If so, then I would not expect miracles. All that mod can do is to enable Player (being Passenger) to turn around his "head" in most of vehicles.
The most significant difference you can observe in boats and "60".
For more freelook possibilities (as i.e. gunner in Viper) you need special program to instal.
As I remember Templar was providing link to such software when "old CM Forum" existed. I must say I've tried that thing, but while I'm not PC geek I got quickly lost and couldn't get from it what i wanted.
Unfortunately I don't have it anymore and don't remember where you could get that program from. Maybe some of fellows here could know anything about it.


P.S. I joined today and need a bit time to get familiar with this site, but as for now it looks awesome, great job Mdog cheers

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Sun 10 Feb 2013, 05:37

How do i balance enemy ai an my ai team because my ai team is just getting slaughtered left and right by the way I have ultimate Ai 2011 2.0 full....Is there a why to get the marine ai teams to be as good as enemy? ....cause I said it already but saying it again they are just getting slaughtered no matter what tactics I use they always die.

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Sun 10 Feb 2013, 21:17

gtaekwondo33 wrote:How do i balance enemy ai an my ai team because my ai team is just getting slaughtered left and right by the way I have ultimate Ai 2011 2.0 full....Is there a why to get the marine ai teams to be as good as enemy? ....cause I said it already but saying it again they are just getting slaughtered no matter what tactics I use they always die.

Try this version

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by JurekCello78 Sun 10 Feb 2013, 21:50

Yeah, this one is excellent for night missions, although AI in all UAI 2011 version has this weird habit to switch in CQC to side arms....
So in this way whenever youre in close distance to any AI you win (almost) instantly.
Although the smartest AI ever I had pleasure fight against, are those from "Island War 2-0 AI mod Rev 1".
They use all tricks needed to kick player's ass Smile : suppression, they hide for minutes behind trees, or rocks to at some point jump out and (if not kill) to wound you immediately Smile.
They use combined maneuvers (one half of FT lays suppresive fire on enemy position, while the other half runs towards enemy, and then they swap), they flank when needed, and the most fearsome: MGL Jeep Gunners and Helicopter Gunners Very Happy:D if they spot you, you may consider yourself a walking dead already Laughing .
As I recollect correctly UAI 2011 Comp. Exp. was great already but it lacked that pacing which Isl. War 2-0 Mod has. Plus...All UAI 2011 variants have tendencies to fuckup waypoints layed for vehicles in any campaign (original or cutom made). Therefore you would need to tweak it to delete all files concerning vehicles inside "ai" folder.
Still.. it's always good to test all possible variants before judging yourself.
For me personally the best testing grounds are missions from Original Campaign. There are few missions which almost from start can give you hint on what you'd like to use: "Blinding the dragon", "Hip shot", "Looking for Lois" are perfect to see "view distance" of AI: UAI Comp. Exp. will be winner from all other AI variants.
The day missions are gonna be the hardest from "survivability" reason. In "Eagle's Offense" when PLA APCs are coming as reifnorcements usually 1st shot they give, is the one towards Tower, ON WHICH player is waiting to call Airstrike Very Happy Very Happy. And needless to say it's deadly accurate shot Very Happy.
Playing last mission on any UAI or any tweaked AI files will give you serious headache, because when starting assault on Skoje you will face so many PLA AT gunners that mission will be decided in first 10 minutes of play Wink.
The same goes for "Bleeding edge". To make sure I could play whole mission I had to mount LAV from start point and then dismount, leaving it open, so any AI jerk could expose it to AT gunners.

Uff, a bit too long, as usual Very Happy Embarassed Wink , I just wanted to give some hints about different AI behavior, so you don't need to spend more time to find out. Hope you find this one helpful Wink



The AI files I was saying about are to be found here: http://filebeam.com/49a1f6d64ab415ef5edf790752118125

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 02:07


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 03:04

How do I understand what these values mean so that I can tweak them the marine ai seem to react slow to being shot at


</configset> -<configset name="Bullet_Sensor">
-<configset name="Soldier"> <property name="suppressedLimit"
value="6.0"/> <property name="unsuppressedLimit" value="4.0"/>
<property name="pinnedOnTime" value="12000"/> <property
name="pinnedOffTime" value="2000"/> <property
name="suppressionFadePPS" value="0.2"/> <property
name="ceilingLimitAfterSuppression" value="2.0"/>
<!--The value added to the underFire meter when ever a bullet whizzes past-->
 <property name="underFireValue" value="7.0"/>
<!--The maximum value of the underFire meter-->
 <property name="underFireMax" value="60.0"/>
<!--The amount the under fire meter reduces per second -->
 <property name="underFireFadePPS" value="6.0"/> </configset> -<configset name="Vehicle">
<!--This value represents the lowest value that the underfire counter can be when bullets are incoming-->
<!-- i.e. when the first bullet comes in the counter will be set to this value and will have to count back to 0.-->
 <property name="underFireBase" value="5.0"/>
<!--The highest value that the under fire counter can achieve-->
 <property name="underFireLimit" value="40.0"/>
<!--The rate that the under fire counter decays per second.-->
 <property name="underFireFadePPS" value="2.0"/>
<!--The value that the under fire counter needs to reach for the vehicle to be marked as "under fire"-->

Last edited by Mdog on Mon 11 Feb 2013, 23:02; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Code formatting.)

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Mon 11 Feb 2013, 06:15

What file is this?

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 11:37


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by JurekCello78 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 11:56

Well, we couldn't see anything (atleast me). Probably problem with choosing correct thing to host in your Post.

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Mon 11 Feb 2013, 18:20

gtaekwondo33 wrote:AI FILE IN MY DATA/WIN

... Rolling Eyes

yea but what is the file name? and where is it located in /data_win/ ??

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by JurekCello78 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 18:26

I guess he meant "dispersionsystem" file inside "data_win" folder, inside any UAI2011 file. I already forgot which values you need to tweak in order to make AI less accurate without destroying whole setup, so I'd suggest the best is to test it.

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 19:13

I'm sorry guys about the file name it is aiconfig the uai2011 ai file...I just didn't want to mess anything up to ruin the ai in the game so I was just giving a example ....So what I'm asking is is higher better or is it lower the number better ai....I just want to know which way to go with the numbers so I'm doing it correct. -


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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Mon 11 Feb 2013, 19:18

If the code is not visible I dont understand why its not showing up I just copy and pasted it in

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by TheGeneral Mon 11 Feb 2013, 23:05

gtaekwondo33 wrote:If the code is not visible I dont understand why its not showing up I just copy and pasted it in

I have edited your post for you so that the code is formatted in the forum correctly.

For future reference, once you have made a sentance or two, double space, paste your code then highlight it. whilst it is highlighted click the code button just once in the post tool bar.



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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Tue 12 Feb 2013, 00:01

thank you

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by gtaekwondo33 Tue 12 Feb 2013, 00:11

So when I go to edit the aiconfig file to try fix the cover system and ext do I go up or down with the numbers is better or lower better in arma 2 lower was better...thanks

<property value="2.0" name="InCover_Mod"/> <property value="-10" name="Pinned"/>

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

Post by HomerPepsi Tue 12 Feb 2013, 07:18

Maybe try testing it once with high values (eg. 0) and once low values eg(-20) to see and compare what it does (and please share the result Smile ) and then you can set it to what your play style is.

Also, TjDagger may know, I think he messed around with the AI settings in NightHawk.

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TemplarGFX Mods Empty Re: TemplarGFX Mods

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